This Kid Better Like Skiing

Today I went in to Disabled Sports and signed up to be an “Indoor Volunteer”. It hurt. A little. Sigh. So I have to go learn to put data into a computer, answer phones, and I have no idea what else. Pretty soon getting those tele bindings clicked into the boots is not going to be possible due to an exceedingly large belly. So indoors will be fine. Why? I also picked up my free ski pass, which is coming my way thanks to 80 plus hours of teaching people with disabilities how to ski last year. So I’ll be doing another 80 this year, because it’s something I believe in doing and that pass is worth like $700 and a whole bucket ton of fun. So indoor volunteering it is! It’s possible that I’ll be able to do some Nordic lessons, but we’ll just have to see how the little bean feels about it.

And Jon is in the hottub. This is another off limits activity. Apparently it cooks the little guy. Yikes!

But we only have 14 weeks left!!! Which means there is a light at the end of the pregnancy tunnel. In case y’all haven’t noticed, the actual pregnancy part of this experience has not been my favorite. And I’ve had a ridiculously easy pregnancy. I’m very much looking forward to phase two of this adventure… The part where we immediately start convincing the kiddo to love skiing. I mean when is too early? Is there such a thing? And the moment you’ve all been waiting for… Here’s what the belly and the bean look like at 26 weeks. He’s apparently the size of a head of lettuce this week. And we’re almost to the third trimester. Some folks say it starts at 27 weeks and some 28 weeks. It’s all the same to me. Either way, we’re getting there! And then the real adventure begins.


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