Priority Shift?


Or third trimester anxiousness? Either way, it’s curious. Have you ever wondered about just packing up your career and doing something wholly unrelated? I do. Pretty much monthly. And not because I don’t have a cool job, or don’t like my job, or wish I made more money. Well, I do wish I made more money, but not enough to find a new job. I think it’s just a restless curiosity. I’m fairly certain this bout with career anxiety has been brought on by the massive life changes currently taking place.

You know those people who just go to school a bunch and have like 10 different careers? Well they’re either braver than I or just aimless, but no matter how many times I think I should mix it up a little, I just can’t do it. Call it cowardice, practicality, a firm desire for health insurance, whatever, but when I go into the office tomorrow following a delightful break, I’ll still be a park ranger. And that will be fine. Because the grass is never greener on the other side, right? And sometimes my ideas are kind of ridiculous, to be honest. Here are a few of my recent “I wonder if I could do that?” ideas and the holes I’ve poked in them:
Physician assistant: this needed to be decided years ago. I’m horrible at several subjects needed for this degree. Oh, and I’d have to go back to school and start over. $$$$
Nurse: this is much more doable, but still, lots of classes, money, and I really don’t enjoy bedpans.
Physical Therapy: I think I’d have to commit to going back to school for quite some time. It’d be a good fit for me, but the loads of debt incurred by attending four years of school is just not advantageous at the moment.
Personal training: I think this is super sweet, but since I could use a personal trainer and definitely will need one after this kiddo is born, I probably shouldn’t become one. And I don’t look great in spandex.

So park rangering it is. I don’t look great in the uniform either, but only like three people do, so I feel less bad about it. I just have to do one of two things: either find ways to keep it interesting and challenging at work or find meaningful things to do outside of work. Or both. And yes, I realize that my time might be sucked up by the upcoming joy of motherhood, but I believe that the best moms do things in addition to mothering- even if its volunteering or blogging, or just reading good books! It makes them interesting, able to constantly learn and teach their children. So with this upcoming challenge nearly at hand, I’ll have to suppress the latest urge to go become a yoga instructor, run a non profit dog rescue, or whatever other random job I think of. But I think it’s perhaps that restlessness that keeps us pushing ourselves. If we’re not careful, it can lead to a bucket ton of discontent, but if harnessed and redirected, I think it’ll make me a well rounded, fun mom. Let’s just hope it doesn’t drive Jon nuts in the process…

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