Starbucks, Fate, and a Coffee Mug

Another day off. Thank God. Not because my work is entirely taxing or difficult, but because when you don’t sleep, 40 hours of anything is hard. This was actually a solid week in the office. My staff is crushing it. They’re a pleasure to work with and make me laugh. Let’s hope my new batch of interns fall in line. They’d better be fun. Seriously. You can throw off an entire staff dynamic with a bad egg or two. I’m sure they’ll be fine. Or my wonderful crew will mock them into toeing the line. Whatever. What the hell kind of boss am I? Geez. Yesterday apparently the descendants of John Muir came into the ranger station. I made them google it before posting on Facebook. I probably should have just believed them. I’m perhaps too skeptical. But, aside from my scatterbrainedness this season, things are going well on that front. I just remind them that I don’t sleep anymore. They all seem to be pretty okay with that.

It was the bookstore manager’s birthday this week. And one of my rangers is vegan. So, being the ultra hip boss that I so desperately try to be, I tried my hand at gluten free vegan brownies in celebration of her 23 years on the planet. If I was a hashtagger, this would read: #fail. Seriously. You need a fricking egg! It cooked up into a mushy blob of indistinct chocolately nightmare. It actually didn’t even taste very good. You know how sometimes the brownies taste okay even if they’re a mess? Not the case. And with Owen, my baking time is limited to one try. There are no baking do-overs. So, I punted.

There is, regrettably, one coffee shop between my condo and work. It’s a Starbucks. We have several lovely local coffee shops in Mammoth. And I prefer to support them if possible. But Owen decided he needed to eat as I was walking out the door. Late. So there was no time to drive the opposite direction. And honestly, the other coffee shops are very slow. I ordered Jon a pour over once and 20 minutes later I was on my way to drop it off. Anyway, where is this going? I had to go to Starbucks to get some pastries because my baking was a fiasco that was currently heaped in my trash. I got the birthday girl a cake pop. Everyone else got whatever the barista grabbed. I ordered a few things, but what I got wasn’t even remotely what I ordered. I was in a hurry, though. And my staff will eat anything with sugar in it. So it didn’t really matter. But more important than my botched pastry order was that as I stood in line waiting to make that arbitrary order, there it was. It called out to me. A double walled, stainless steel and lipstick pink two toned coffee cup. Now, say whatever you want about Starbucks, but their double walled insulated coffee cups are far superior to any that I’ve tried. And this one was beautiful! The next day I filled it up with some chai and all day it made me happy. Just sitting there on my desk, in all of its shiny pink glory. So who knows? Maybe I was meant to botch those brownies.

I’m looking forward to another morning with my awesome pink mug, but first, Owen needs to wake up. He’s asleep on my chest. I just can’t wake him, even though with every passing minute, the temperature is getting hotter and our jog will be harder. But he sleeps so rarely. And he’s still so little. He won’t do this for long. I’m embracing it. Never mind the rumbling in my stomach.

Today’s adventures? We’ll see. Jog. Post office. Groceries. The usual. Maybe a hike, although that might wait until tomorrow. Can’t have all of our fun in one day. But for sure tea in my pink mug.


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