With a Little Help from My…Family

There is nothing like a couple of weeks with your family to make you wish you lived a little closer. A little. Don’t get me wrong. The crashing waves of Lake Erie and the babble of the Cuyahoga River are not exactly calling my name, but Mammoth is far from the eastern time zone. It’s be nice if we could chop off a time zone, really.

But we had a great visit. Went to Yosemite, took a gondola ride, hiked up Rock Creek, and visited the Postpile. And Owen was a super trooper. I was nervous about Yosemite, but he crushed it! You never know what your kids can do until you just push them a little further than what you’re comfortable with. No major melt downs, one change of clothes, several outdoor breastfeedings and diaper changes, and lots of photos. He pretty much slept through the Tuolumne Grove of Big Trees, but that was fine. He earned it. Later in the week he slept through a hike to the Postpile only to be mostly entertained by the bus ride out. I think he was the only person entertained by the bus ride. But I was super impressed with his general happiness and willingness to do anything. Much like my mom…

You know how when you have a kid, you sort of shirk on domestic responsibilities? Well, that happens here. So I was so pumped to come home and find not only was my house clean, but my laundry was done, my wreath dusted, beams wiped down, and dinner made. Those are my kind of house guests. You don’t realize how nice it is to have someone else take your kiddo for a minute while you eat or play with him while you shower. These are frequent luxuries of those that live near their families. For us, we just take it when we can get it. And we’re so grateful. Maybe that makes our time with our families more valuable? More special? I don’t know. But thank god for air travel.

But this week certainly gave me more confidence to do more with the little man. Sometimes you just need a little help the first time out to show you you can do it and there are no better helpers than family. At least, most of the time…


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