The Home Stretch

Totally on the home stretch! This week marks 36. A short four more to go. I’m still feeling super solid, can usually bend all the way over to tie my shoes and zip up my ski boots, and so far, I’ve avoided fat pregnant hippo feet. All wins in my book.

My doctor took the usual measurements this week and was a little concerned that the goober was measuring small, so I had to go in today for a follow up ultrasound for more precise measurements. He’s a little small, but nothing to worry about. He’s got plenty of fluid and looks healthy and as happy as you could be stuffed in the belly of a really short person. He really doesn’t have much room. I saw his little hands all squished in his face on the monitor. Poor guy. But then he’ll come out and want to be wrapped up tight like a burrito, so I probably shouldn’t feel too bad for him.

He’s measuring about 36cm and the ultrasound tech said he should be around 5 pounds give or take a few ounces. So that puts him at something near 7 pounds by the due date. Perfect! And he’s happily hanging out head down. Also sweet.

In other news, thanks to our horrible drought which has brought with it daily temperatures of like 55 degrees and zero snow, Jon has been cut down to two days a week driving. I think it’s actually kind of hard for him to be too upset about it. That job is kind of a bummer. But thanks to congress passing an appropriations bill that didn’t totally suck for the Park Service, he gets to work 1-2 days a week for the monument. This is way more lucrative and enjoyable, so we’re pumped about that.

I’m teaching what is seriously going to be my last Nordic lesson before the kiddo’s arrival for Disabled Sports on Sunday. I’m glad to get in another lesson, but my doctor said I should take at least one day a week and try to just do nothing. So, starting this weekend, I’m going to try to heed that advice. I’m bad at doing nothing, so we’ll see what sort of success with which that is met.

That’s about all we’ve got. A huge thank you to the fam and friends for all the great stuff that arrived this week for the niño. Tons of sweet clothes and accessories, a sea life soother for the crib, adorable crib sheets with owls on them… This kid is hooked up!

Here’s the ultrasound video from today. I thought it was funny. It’s not a great video, but you get the idea.

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