Short But Sweet

These are the blog entries you do with an infant. Here’s what’s happening this week…

Feeding the munchkin. I think I’ve finally got breastfeeding figured out. It was a little stressful. But fortunately, I have access to lactation specialists that visit our house, so that’s helpful and our Pediatrician is awesome. I may have called her at 5:30 am in some sort of panic about not being able to feed my child. Eh, you live and learn. So, that trauma is over.

Screaming babies. I’m dubbing Jon the baby whisperer. Seriously. He’s been studying The Happiest Baby on the Block for weeks now and has been diligently putting the techniques to work on the little man. I’m so impressed. And fortunately he’s been able to take some time off work, that’s been outstanding. Recovering from major abdominal surgery and having a newborn requires a good deal of help and I’ve had awesome help. So, we e been shhhhh-ing, swinging, swaddling, and some other s-words that I can’t remember. So far so good.

Recovery. This is slow, but I’m getting better every day. I can do two laps around the block without too much pain, so we’re calling that a win. Hopefully by next week, I can go a bit longer. I’m trying to be patient. It’ll come. I’ll be better. It’s a little easier to focus on recovery when you’re in charge of the well being of a tiny human. You worry less about your tubby post preggo belly and the fact that you are only shaving once a week because you just can’t take that long of a shower.

Emotions. Wreck. Pretty much. I’m super emotional. I think that’s normal. But it was not helped by my mom leaving today. I always cry when I leave my parents (yes, I’m 34 years old…), but this was especially bad. Part emotional disaster, part honest reflection. It was some sadness that she was leaving and it was so comforting to have her here. But it was also a joy that we all shared this big thing together. And a gratefulness that I have such wonderful parents who 34 years later are still here for me. Needless to say, I don’t have a lot of mascara left today.

Round two. Help round two arrived this week! Megan arrived on Monday from Phoenix. She just gave me a foot massage. Ahhhhhh. Next on the list? At home pedicures. She brought some hot pink polish. I’m pumped. And she cleaned the kitchen, does laundry, and made a bucket ton of cookies. I love help!

Owen. And the main event? How’s he doing? Awesome. We survived our first (and second, thanks to an unfortunate diaper incident) bath this week, lost our umbilical cord, and learned that we really like hanging out in the Boba carrier for walks. Owen is pretty much crushing it as far as babies go. He was a little cranky the last couple of days, but nothing some shhhh-ing and warm milk couldn’t take care of. He changes every day and Jon and I are really enjoying the little man. And I hear it only gets better!

Sleep. Not getting enough of it, but feeling okay. So, I’ll end this blog entry there in favor of getting more sleep.




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