And So It Begins

I got on a scale today. It was the first time since Owen was born. Could have been worse. I think my expectations were pretty low, so that helped. And I’m down 15 pounds since the last days of pregnancy. A couple of wins I guess. But I needed some motivation. And what better motivation is there than the scale? Well, honestly, your cute pre-baby clothes, but the scale works too. Scales are tough though when you’re recovering from delivery. Your body is kind of bizarre. So I’m trying not to think about it too much. But it’s never too early to start getting things back together.

Today I survived two walks. This was a big deal. I can’t wait to get to jogging, but for now, walking will have to do. And I’m not walking for fitness. I’m walking somewhat slowly and trying not to derail the healing process. Stupid c-section. But it’s got to beat sitting on the sofa, right? And I’m attempting to become reacquainted with my lower abs. Not in a go do 100 crunches sort of way, but in a remember that you have them, that they’ve been traumatized, and think about using them to pull your belly towards your spine sort of way. That’s as far as we’ve gotten with the recovery “workouts”. But I feel better every day and that’s encouraging. Today, our little man has been on the planet for three weeks. That means I have at least three weeks before I’m cleared to do anything strenuous, like jogging or skiing. And it’s possible that I’m looking at something more like eight weeks total. We’ll see. But I’m just going to take it slow and know that I’ll get there eventually. I’m going to keep getting on that scale though. It keeps me from eating another cookie. Damn scale.

In other news, Owen is three weeks old today! Crazypants! Jon and I have been spending most of our time trying to keep him from being a giant crab. He’s decided that he hates everything and must have like the universe’s most sensitive tummy. He cries (or screams) every time his little belly gurgles. Argh. But this too shall pass, right? I’m working on getting my hands on a baby swing. I hear those are pretty effective. Until then, my strategy has just been to pretty much feed him all the time. He’s pretty happy to curl up in the Boppy and eat. Incidentally, as I was looking at the Boppy cover today, I realized that as cute as those jungle animals are, most of them would kill and/or eat our child in the wild. Rhinos? Very scary horns. Tigers? We’ve all seen what they do to people in India. Lions? If they’ll eat the leopard kitten, they’ll eat a human. Zebras? Well, they’re vegetarians, but I’ve heard they’re super unpleasant. The only things on this pillow that are marginally safe are the turtle and maybe the giraffe. But they sure do make jungle creatures cute for baby stuff. Anyway, I’m hoping this crabber puss phase ends soon. I’m already over it. That can’t be a good sign, right? I am fearful that it may last longer than I want it to. He’s stirring. My 20 minutes of peace is coming to an end. Back to mommy duty!


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