The Weekly Weigh In

I swear this is something you should only do as a high school wrestler, but whatever. It motivates me. Down another 3.6 pounds. Roughly 15 more to go to reach pre-baby weight. Not so roughly, 18 more to go, but I’d be happy with 15. And another win? My pre baby running pants fit. They’re a little more snug than they used to be, but not in a VPL sort of way. Just around the belly.

There are a few lingering issues, however. Shape. This is stupid. I mean, I’m not super bent out of shape about it because honestly, you can’t grow a human, birth said human, then expect your body to magically snap back to normal, but there are some serious muscle tone issues happening. My belly is a little like jell-o at the moment. But the muscle tone and rebuilding process will have to wait until I get cleared to do something other than walking. And besides, my incision is still tender and I’m still annoyed daily by lochia, so it’s better I’m still laying low till things get a little closer to normal. This weeks post baby recovery plan? Walking. Trying to walk at least an hour every day. Also trying to pick up the pace slightly and work in some hills (not hard in this town). Continue to watch what I eat. Thank you for making healthy eating a no brainer. I love her recipes. And the points and calories are already counted as long as you measure diligently. Perfect for yours truly- the laziest dieter in the world. I hate counting calories.

Things I’m pumped about this week:
Owen and Jon nap time. They totally nap together. It’s fricking adorable. I love grown men who snuggle with babies.

Fitting into my running pants, even if it’s not as pretty as it used to be. This means I won’t have to buy any fat pants once I’m cleared for running. Win!

Owen’s one month birthday. Tomorrow the little goober will be one month old. Shenanigans!

Sleep. Owen is consistently allowing us at least 6 hours (albeit non consecutive) of sleep. Another win!

More visitors. My good friend and fellow adventurer in life Aimèe will be here on Saturday to meet Owen and his Aunt Carolyn arrives on Monday or Tuesday. They can test out my new vacuum. Hopefully they think it’s as fun as my mom did.

Owen’s new wardrobe. Now that he’s graduated to a bigger size, we have way more options. I was really tired of the same outfits over and over. And now I don’t have to do laundry quite as often.

Hand-me-downs. We were blessed with many hand-me-downs. Now I am pumped to send them along to my friends in Wyoming, expecting they’re tiny human’s arrival in July.

Tiny Smartwool socks. They’re just adorable.

And since very few photos have been taken of Owen and I, I made Jon take this one yesterday. Just to prove he has a mom, as my friend Bry put it on Facebook.


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