Six Weeks


Owen, Jon, and I have survived the first six weeks! And for the most part, it’s been great! We’ve had a lot of help and are slowly figuring this thing out. Owen is doing great. We’re trying not to be crazy parents that worry about every little thing, although we did take him in for “goop eye”. The pediatrician said there was no infection and to just keep wiping out his eye. He’ll grow out of it. She does a really good job of. Not making us feel like idiot new parents. I really like her. We also got some solid travel advice for our upcoming trip to the Midwest. Travel as light as possible and don’t worry. Pretty good advice. Owen’s doctors are both pediatricians and moms, so there is usually some good practical mom advice thrown in with the doctor advice. Pretty much, when the kiddo is as young as Owen, sounds like flying isn’t too bad. He will have just finished his first round of vaccines and since we get him his own seat, we’ll have a row to ourselves. That should cut down of creepy stranger cooties. Best advice from our doctor? “Just have a glass of wine at the airport then feed him. You’ll both sleep.” Winner!

Jon is hanging in there. He’s somehow managing to continue to help me with late night diaper changes, snuggle time with Owen, morning dog walks, and get to work in a timely fashion, so I’m giving him a gold star.

Speaking of Jon being back at work, Owen and I have been flying solo for about two weeks so far. We’re doing fine. I’ve pretty much got things figured out. Owen loves going for walks and usually just falls asleep, so when in doubt, we walk. After, of course, he eats. A lot. And Thanks to all of that eating, he’s solidly graduated into the 3 month gear. Some of it is still a little big, but he’s pretty long, so when he stretches out, it’s fine. Way to grow little dude!

I had my six week post partum appointment on Thursday. It was good. I’m healing fine, but nothing strenuous for another two weeks. Apparently c-sections take it out of you. So no ab workouts, no jogging, no skiing. Just walking. For another two weeks. That was definitely a blow, but I’m okay with it. I really just want my body to have the best chance it can to go back to “normal”, whatever the new normal is. So I can’t really target the post-baby pooch for a while, but I’ll get there. Although I prefer winter running, summer running is easier, so I suppose that’s where I’ll start. I’m still in the process of shedding pounds. Eleven pounds to go to reach pre-baby weight. Then I’d like to drop about five more and work on more strength training, but I’ve bit to wait on that. Two more weeks. I’ve made it six. I can make it two more. I’ve got some good goals, a supportive husband, and a sweet jogger stroller. It’ll happen. (Self affirmation to avoid frustration at the daunting task ahead). And fortunately, I live in the mountains, so summer isn’t necessarily bathing suit season. Thank goodness!

Although in the thirty seconds I did sleep last night I had a dream about push-ups. Weird. Who dreams about exercising? I guess people who haven’t been able to do it in a while. Maybe I should start with push-ups. Or maybe I should just keep walking up hills and hope that does the trick. I did get my new skate skis and I’m anxious to try them out, but I wasn’t cleared for that either and by the time I am, there won’t be any snow. But they’re ready for next season! Hopefully it snows early and often and Owen likes being pulled around in the chariot. 🙂

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